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White Label Reputation Management Software

Offer a dashboard that surpasses standard Reputation & Reviews Management, and unlock new revenue streams with SeoSamba.

Our software enables agencies to provide top-notch reputation management services under their own brand, thanks to our customizable white-label review website widget and integrated AI.

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Monetize Reputation Enhancement for Your Clients


how it works

1. Collect More and Better Reviews for Your Clients

checkImpact your client business, and associate your agency with a winning campaign:  With SeoSamba's White Label Reputation Management Software, you can easily sell and create review campaigns to help gather more customer reviews for your clients via email, QR codes, and text messages.  

Generate reputation protected review request links to collect reviews while protecting your clients from negative feedback through our smart routing page. Receive automated alerts whenever reviews come in, and respond using our generative AI from your dashboard across all connected platforms.





checkBoost your clients' review collection efforts and amplify your recurring revenues by offering our Customer Relationship Management system and or incorporating a  Mensahero subscription, featuring our web-to-text messaging mobile app.

Both are customizable with your branding! Envision your brand showcased with its own application in the Apple Store and Google Play Store! SeoSamba's Marketing OS is a powerhouse, presenting virtually limitless upsell opportunities for agency partners.



2. Organize and Filter Reviews

checkSeoSamba's white label review management platform provides unmatched flexibility for digital agencies and their clients compared to any other alternative.

Effortlessly select favorite reviews from the dashboard to be featured and showcased in the review widget. Configure your clients widget to automatically update, seamlessly incorporating any newly collected 4 and 5-star reviews to be included as reviews are left across the Internet for their business. Retain full control over your display by determining whether to showcase follow-up comments, demonstrating how an unfavorable review was effectively addressed, and preventing spam. This meticulous level of organization and filtering guarantees that only the highest-quality reviews are showcased, without any drama ensuing.

Smart Routing: Your Agency as Reputation Protector




Negative feedback can wield considerable influence over businesses' reputations, underscoring the importance of proactive online presence management.

With SeoSamba, your agency holds the key to the solution.

SeoSamba's white-label review management software features a robust generative AI. Suggestions generated by SeoSamba’s AI streamline the arduous task of managing review responses. You can offer this solution to your clients or in combination with the automated alerts facility,  capitalize on it to offer supplementary services and manage it entirely on their behalf.



3. Elevate Your Client's Best Work and Agency Brand to Viral Status

checkBoost your clients' website conversion rates by showcasing curated reviews with our versatile widgets. Tailored to match their brand colors, these widgets seamlessly integrate into their website's design. Effortlessly deployable with a generated code snippet, they are compatible with any website and Content Management System.



checkChoose from presentation formats such as listscrollable listscarousels, or columns , based on where you believe they will have an impact. Should you require further guidance, our friendly help staff is always available to assist you and your clients (always under your own banner!). The visually appealing format of the widgets ensures that visitors can read and engage with their reviews. 

Works Well with any Content Management System

cms logos


And Works Even Harder to Promote Your Agency


check The web widget serves as a potent advertising tool for your agency, showcasing your brand as the solution provider while providing a direct "Powered by" link back to your agency website. As more visitors flock to your client's website, you simultaneously attract more potential customers to your own agency. 


check We understand the significance of our agency partners cultivating their own businesses. SeoSamba's Marketing OS integrates several additional business generation tactics directly into your Agency account. Once customized with your branding colors and made accessible from your agency website, the SeoSamba MOS enables the offering of freemium services to your potential clients in order to generate new sales leads for your agency!

These services encompass robust social marketing, analytics, and reputation management tools guaranteed to captivate and engage your prospective customers even before you engage them about their overall marketing needs and transition them to full-fledged accounts. Reach out to us to discover more about the other viral components promoting our partners integrated into our marketing automation platform.




checkIn contrast to numerous competitors, SeoSamba's White Label Reputation Management Software enables you to provide your clients with a holistic solution, showcasing reviews from over 100 sources. These include well-known platforms such as Yelp, Angi, Citysearch, Demandforce, Groupon, Homeadvisor, Localcom, Superpages, Trustpilot, Yellowpages, Yellowbot, Google, Facebook, , all aggregated into a single widget. Plus, you have the flexibility to create as many widgets as necessary for the same fee. With seamless deployment and automated integration of new positive reviews, our widgets elegantly highlight your clients' finest reviews.



4. Evangelize on Social Media and Search

checkSeoSamba's White Label Reputation Management Software provides agencies with an exclusive chance to assist clients in spreading positive reviews across diverse social media platforms. Have your customers garnered significantly more reviews on one platform compared to others? Have visibility preferences shifted? Reviews can serve as the catalyst for your next social marketing campaign that you pitch to your client. By assisting your clients in expanding their audience reach, increasing engagement, and strengthening their online reputation, you can simultaneously elevate their search engine rankings, boost their sales, and enhance your own business prospects in the process.




checkCross-Pollination: With SeoSamba's integrated social calendar, empower your customers to select and share their top reviews from any source across on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and directly on Google's result pages via their Google My Business profile. This amplifies your customers' search engine visibility and rankings. Facilitate your customers in spreading the word about the positive experiences their clients have had with their brand, while associating your agency's name with one of this year's most successful campaigns. You can even white label our social marketing app and have your brand in the Apple Store and Google Play!  

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White Label Reputation Management Is Just The Start

As marketing agencies strive to deliver comprehensive services to their clients, incorporating  White label review platforms and reputation management software into their offerings has become increasingly crucial.

SeoSamba offers a solution that enables marketing agencies to streamline their processes, enhance their client's online presence, and solidify their own brand identity. With our  White label review platform and reputation management software, agencies can achieve remarkable results.

The key advantage of SeoSamba as a  White label review platform is the ability to customize the software with your agency's branding. The software can be served from your own domain, providing a seamless experience for your clients. Additionally, SeoSamba offers an array of integrated White label marketing automation tools, including email marketing, social marketing, call tracking, texting, and even a full Content Management, Ecommerce and CRM system.This comprehensive approach reinforces your agency's brand identity and offers a considerable amount of upsell opportunities.

By integrating SeoSamba's White Label reputation management software into your agency's services, you can enhance your offerings, streamline processes, and stand out from the competition. Experience the benefits of a seamlessly branded solution that delivers remarkable results for your clients. 

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Give Your Customers Access or Manage It All Yourself

Flexibility is vital for successful online reputation management. With SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software, offer your customers access to a complete review management dashboard personalized with your branding, accessible directly from your URL. Moreover, capitalize on the chance to create fresh revenue streams for your agency by handling reviews yourself with assistance from our AI-driven response system, or delegate the task to SeoSamba's skilled team to manage them on behalf of your clients. Tailor your approach based on your preferences and business needs.

corporate communication
  • Customer Self-Service: Provide your customers with access to the review management platform. Allow them to monitor and respond to reviews on their own, showcasing their commitment to customer satisfaction.
  • Managed Services: Take full control of your review management process by handling it yourself. SeoSamba's software provides comprehensive tools and features to streamline the entire reputation management workflow.
  • Hybrid Approach: Combine customer self-service with your own management. SeoSamba's software allows you to set granular permissions, giving customers access to specific features while retaining overall control.

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software offers the flexibility of either giving your customers access to review management or managing it all yourself. Whether you opt for customer self-service, managed services, or a hybrid approach, our software provides the tools you need to effectively manage and enhance your online reputation.

Rock Your Agency Reputation:  Skyrocket Your Customers Google Reviews & Rankings

Google reviews play a crucial role in attracting new customers and improving search rankings. SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software helps businesses generate a high volume of Google reviews from satisfied customers: Witness your client's online business reputation soar

  • Review Requests: Automatically send review requests to your customers, directing them to leave reviews on Google via email and text messages. SeoSamba's software streamlines the process, making it convenient for customers to share their feedback.
  • Incentivized Review Campaigns: Motivate customers to leave reviews by offering incentives. SeoSamba's software enables you to create campaigns that reward customers for their reviews, increasing the likelihood of positive feedback.
  • Seamless Google Integration: SeoSamba software integrates seamlessly with Google, allowing customers to leave reviews directly on the search engine results page. Simplify the review process for customers and drive engagement.
  • Review Funnel Optimization: Ensure the review funnel is optimized for a frictionless experience. SeoSamba's software provides guidance on minimizing barriers, such as unnecessary steps or complex instructions, to encourage more customers to share their positive experiences. 
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SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software empowers businesses to generate a high volume of Google reviews from satisfied customers. With automated review requests, incentivized campaigns, seamless Google integration, and review funnel optimization, you can help boost your clients online reputation, and attract more customers.

A Simple Solution for Any Type of Agency Business

Whether your agency caters to small business owner or an enterprise-level corporation, SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software offers a simple and effective solution for managing your clients online reputation, and build recurring revenues in the process. 

start business
  • Scalable Software: SeoSamba's software is designed to accommodate businesses of any size. SeoSamba MOS is especially well suited to business with multiple branches, such as franchise brands - If your clients have multiple locations, make sure to check out FMOS - SeoSamba's Franchise Marketing Operating System.   
  • User-Friendly Interface: Our software features an intuitive interface that requires no technical expertise. Effortlessly navigate through comprehensive features and access the tools you need to manage your online reputation effectively.
  • Customizable Workflows: Tailor the software to match your business's unique processes and workflow. SeoSamba's solution is flexible, allowing you to adapt it to your specific reputation management strategies.
  • Dedicated Support: Benefit from dedicated customer support to ensure a smooth experience. SeoSamba's team is readily available to assist and guide you in utilizing the software to its full potential.

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software offers a simple and customizable solution for marketing agencies of all sizes. With scalability, a user-friendly interface, customizable workflows, and dedicated support, our software is designed to meet the diverse needs of any marketing consultant and their business clients.

Manage All Your Client Reviews from One Place

Are you struggling to keep track of all your client online reviews? With SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software, you can now easily manage all your reviews from one convenient location. No more jumping from platform to platform - streamline your reputation management process with ease.

review management
  • Centralized Review Management: Our software allows you to monitor and respond to all your reviews from a single dashboard. Whether they are from Google, Facebook, Yelp, or other popular review sites, you can efficiently stay on top of your online reputation.
  • Time-Saving Automation: Save valuable time by automating review collection. With SeoSamba's software, you can set up automated review requests to be out to your customers, ensuring a steady flow of reviews without manual effort.
  • Customizable Review Campaigns: Tailor your review collection strategy to fit your business needs. From email campaigns to SMS requests, our software offers flexible options for gathering feedback and reviews from your customers.
  • Reputation Alerts: Receive real-time notifications whenever a new review is posted about your business. Stay informed about customer feedback and address any negative reviews promptly to maintain a positive online image.
  • Review Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your reputation performance. Track trends, identify areas for improvement, and measure customer sentiment with comprehensive analytics provided by our software.

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software empowers businesses to take control of their online reviews. With centralized management, automation, and valuable analytics, you can improve customer satisfaction, manage their reputation effectively, and ultimately enhance your client business's online presence.

Feedback Widget

Collecting customer feedback is vital for improving your products and services. SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software provides a feedback widget that enables your clients to gather valuable insights directly from your website visitors. Engage with your audience and enhance their experience.

  • Customizable Feedback Forms: Design feedback forms that align with your brand and capture relevant information. SeoSamba's software allows you to create personalized feedback forms with custom fields, ratings, and follow-up questions.
  • Real-Time Feedback Collection: Engage with your website visitors in real-time. Seamba widget enables you to prompt visitors to leave feedback, capturing their thoughts and suggestions while they are actively engaging with your website.
  • Intelligent Feedback Routing: Automatically route feedback to the appropriate department or team within your organization. Ensure prompt responses and efficient resolution of customer concerns by directing feedback to the right individuals.
  • Analytics and Insights: Gain valuable insights from feedback data. SeoSamba's software provides analytics and reporting features that allow you to analyze trends, identify recurring issues, and make data-driven improvements.
social publishing

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software's feedback widget enables businesses to gather valuable customer insights directly from their website. With customizable forms, real-time collection, intelligent routing, and analytics, businesses can engage with their audience and make informed decisions to enhance their products and services.

Advanced Reporting

Data-driven insights are essential for making informed business decisions. With SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software, you can access advanced reporting features that provide comprehensive analytics on your online reputation. Gain valuable insights into customer sentiment, trends, and performance.

  • Review Analytics: Dive deep into your review data with comprehensive analytics. Monitor review volume, average ratings, sentiment analysis, and customer feedback trends. Identify areas for improvement and measure the impact of your reputation management efforts.
  • Competitor Benchmarking: Compare your reputation metrics against industry competitors. SeoSamba's software provides benchmark reports that highlight your strengths and areas of opportunity in relation to your competition.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Understand customer sentiment through sentiment analysis tools. Analyze review text to determine positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. Gain insights into customer satisfaction and make informed decisions.
  • Review Conversion Tracking: Track the conversion rate of your review generation efforts. SeoSamba's software allows you to measure the percentage of review requests that result in actual reviews. Evaluate the effectiveness of your review and optimize your strategies accordingly.
call the shots

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software empowers with advanced reporting capabilities. By leveraging review analytics, competitor benchmarking, sentiment analysis, and review conversion tracking, you can gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions to enhance your online reputation.

White Label Control Panel

For agencies and resellers who want to offer reputation management as a service, SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software provides a white-label control panel. Deliver a fully branded solution to your clients while harnessing the power of our advanced reputation management features.

social marketing services 5
  • Brand Customization: Customize the software's interface with your agency's branding elements such as logos, color schemes, and domain name. Present a consistent and professional brand experience to your clients.
  • Multi-User Access: Grant access to multiple team members or clients with individual user accounts. Maintain control over permissions and assign specific roles for efficient collaboration.
  • Automated Reporting: Create branded reports showcasing your clients' reputation performance with automated reporting. Customize report templates and schedule regular updates to keep clients informed.
  • Private Label Distribution: Seamlessly integrate the white-label control panel into your existing website or client portal. Provide a cohesive user experience to your clients without the need for external platforms:

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software offers a white-label control panel solution for agencies and resellers. With brand customization, multi-user access, automated reporting, and private label distribution, you can deliver a fully branded reputation management service to your clients, strengthening your agency's offerings.

Be Found Wherever Customers Look

In today's digital age, it's crucial for businesses to have a strong online presence. With SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software, you can ensure that your business is found wherever customers are searching. Boost your visibility and attract more customers with ease.

  • Local Listing Management: Be present in all the top online directories, search engines, and review sites. Our software helps you manage and optimize your business listings, ensuring accurate and consistent information across multiple platforms.
  • SEO-Friendly Content Creation: Create relevant and engaging content that drives organic traffic to your business. SeoSamba's software provides keyword suggestions and content optimization tools to help you rank higher in search engine results.
  • Media Integration: Stay active and engage with customers on social media platforms. SeoSamba's software allows you to manage and schedule posts, monitor conversations, and respond to customer inquiries from one unified interface.
  • Mobile Optimization: With an increasing number of consumers using mobile devices for their searches, it's crucial to have a mobile-friendly online presence. SeoSamba ensures that your business is easily accessible navig.
ppc targeting

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software helps you maximize your online visibility, making it easier for customers to find you. By effectively managing your business listings, optimizing your content, and integrating with social media, you can establish a strong online presence and attract more customers.

Compare Your Business with Competitors

Understanding how your business stacks up against competitors is vital for strategic decision-making. With SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software, you can gain valuable insights and see how you compare to your industry competitors. Take data-driven actions to stay ahead of the competition.

standardized services
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Get an analysis of compared yours. SeoSamba's software provides benchmarking reports that compare metrics such as overall rating, review volume, sentiment analysis, and more.
  • Review Performance Comparison: Evaluate how you fare against your competitors in terms of review ratings and sentiment. Identify areas of improvement and capitalize on your strengths to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyze your competitor's online presence, including their review profiles, social media activity, and search engine rankings. SeoSamba's software allows you to monitor their performance, identify trends, and learn from their strategies.
  • Market Trends and Insights: Stay updated on industry trends and consumer preferences. SeoSamba's software provides valuable insights into customer sentiment, popular keywords, and emerging market opportunities.

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software enables you to gain a competitive edge by understanding how you compare to your competitors. Benchmarking, review performance comparisons, competitor analysis, and market insights help you make informed decisions and stay ahead in the market.

More Reviews on Autopilot

Positive online reviews can significantly impact a business's reputation and attract new customers. With SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software, you can effortlessly collect more reviews on autopilot. Let customer feedback work for you and generate a steady stream of positive reviews.

  • Automated Review Requests: Set up automated review requests that are sent to your customers at strategic touchpoints. SeoSamba's software allows you to customize the timing and messaging of these requests, ensuring a higher response rate.
  • Incentivized Review Campaigns: Encourage customers to leave reviews by offering incentives such as discounts, rewards, or exclusive promotions. SeoSamba's software helps you manage and track these campaigns, motivating customers to engage and share their experiences.
  • Smart Distribution: Automatically publish positive reviews on your website, social media channels, and other online platforms. Showcase your stellar reputation to potential customers and boost your credibility.
  • Review Booster: Amplify your review volume with SeoSamba's review booster feature. Our software identifies happy customers and redirects them to review sites of your choice, increasing the chances of positive feedback.

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software takes the hassle out of review collection. By automating review requests, incentivizing customers, and distributing positive reviews effectively, you can generate more reviews on autopilot and strengthen your business's online reputation.

Brand Reputation Monitoring Across All Online Platforms

Monitoring your brand's reputation across various online platforms is essential for maintaining a positive image. SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software provides comprehensive brand monitoring features, allowing you to actively track mentions and reviews across all platforms.

social marketing services 1
  • Social Media Monitoring: Stay informed about brand mentions and customer conversations on social media platforms. SeoSamba's software enables you to monitor comments, tags, and direct messages, allowing you to quickly respond to customer inquiries or address potential issues.
  • News and Blog Monitoring: Monitor news articles, blogs, and other online publications for brand mentions and sentiment analysis. SeoSamba's software tracks these media channels, helping you stay updated and engage with relevant content or feedback.
  • Review Site Monitoring: Actively monitor  over 100 popular review platforms such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, Angi, Citysearch, Demandforce, Groupon, Homeadvisor, Localcom, Superpages, Trustpilot, Yellowpages, Yellowbot, Google, Facebook or industry-specific review sites to track customer reviews and ratings. Stay on top of your online reputation and address customer feedback promptly.
  • Forum and Community Monitoring: Keep an eye on forums industry-specific communities, and discussion boards for brand mentions and discussions. SeoSamba's software allows you to engage with potential customers or address any concerns raised in these online communities.

SeoSamba's Reputation Management Software enables brands to actively monitor their online reputation across various platforms. 

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