75% of Top 100 Retail Franchises have a news and blog platform in place, which allows them to publish corporate news and potentially interesting posts for visitors, customers and franchisees.
Among those, less than half have actually been updated at least once a month, highlighting a major hurdle to increase organic web traffic, improve search rankings and expand their social audience.
Failing to produce valuable content on a regular basis, 3/4 of top retail franchisors face a major loophole in their online marketing strategy.
To the outside world, including customers and potential franchisees, the brand may also be projecting the image of dull company where not much happens, and that doesn’t have anything interesting to say.
Content marketing has become a crucial strategy to build web traffic and increase qualified online leads. Organic referencing in major search engines relies on fresh, valuable content to optimize organic lead acquisition, and lower franchisee onboarding costs.
Thanks for reading this summary. To uncover more data, stats and findings as well as our analysis of how these facts impact the overall online strategies of leading franchisors, please click the button to download for FREE the full version (PDF) of our Top 100 Retail Franchises Digital Marketing Performance Report 2016.