High Performance Local Website Build |
Click to call |
Multi-device mobile responsive |
Customized site based on any existing design |
Customized site based on any existing design |
Customized site based on any existing design |
Local results optimization |
Launch Press Release |
- |
3 months Seo Launch Pad |
3 months Seo Launch Pad |
On page SEO |
On page SEO |
On page and off page SEO |
Search Engines Marketing |
Advanced Search Engines Marketing with click budget included |
Advanced Search Engines Marketing with click budget included |
2500 named contacts included |
5000 named contacts included |
15000 named contacts included |
Lead notification via email and SMS |
Missed calls notifcation via SMS |
Contacts journey analytics including open emails and attachments, document downloads, filled up forms, inbound/outbound calls & more |
Automated email newsletter subscription |
Email Drip Marketing Automation: 1 Sequence With Up To 3 Custom Emails |
Email drip marketing automation: 1 sequence with up to 6 custom emails |
Email drip marketing automation: 2 sequences with up to 6 custom emails |
Your business in the #1 local directory |
Your business in the #1 local directory |
Your business in the #1 local directory and others top local & vertical directories |
Remarketing with click budget included |
12 desktop and mobile display ads with click budget included |
15 desktop and mobile display ads with click budget included |
18 desktop and mobile display ads with click budget included |
Three Unique Social Updates A Week |
Three Unique Social Updates A Week |
five unique social updates a week |
Contacts tracking: customer calls and emails |
Brand name impressions & clicks: search engines and other medias |
Visits evolution |
Content suggestions and curation |
Visual Social Calendar: view all your posts at a glance |
Post to all your social accounts from a single screen |
$499/month |
$799/month |
$999/month |