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IT Consulting Marketing

SeoSamba: IT Consulting Marketing case study

IT consulting marketing case study: ActivsupportActivSupport is a nationwide IT service company headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area.

ActivSupport leverages local web sites, reflecting its local office's unique ownership and offerings for each of its major markets across the U.S.A, including New York, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and San Francisco.

Thanks to SeoSamba's technology, ActivSupport 's online properties dominate search engines for network consulting-related queries in every single one of its respective markets with hundreds of first positions, top 5 and top 10 on Yahoo, Bing, and Google.

Some of the hundreds of queries that speak for themselves:

David Brant, COO: "the number of sales leads has increased dramatically"

As the firm, famous for its flexible approach to partnering with its small- and medium-sized business base of clients, expands to serve additional markets, so does its use of SeoSamba's features.

David Brant, operations manager, explains: "We first started with creating a single web site on SeoSamba that we imported from our previous content management system. Then we created sites specific to each region and gave privileges to local managers in order to edit their local site only; then we cross-linked our offerings, and now the number of sales leads has increased dramatically".

One of the features David used was the SeoSamba cloning switch to create new local web sites easily based on existing look and feel, content architecture, and pre-defined SEO best practices.

"What I love best about SeoSamba is the ability to set best practices and deploy them across all sites in one click. The content management system piece is straightforward, with a limited number of options, making it easy to use. However, it is very flexible also since you can paste any HTML or even PhP in there and get the desired output."

SeoSamba is the wanting to truly take advantage of scale and rank higher for local searches.

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