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Local SEO

Narrowing down geolocalized SEO focus

If most of your business is done locally, it only makes sense to perform local SEO. People quite often add location-specific keywords in their search queries precisely to single out those businesses near them.

Typing “tennis club” or “cable services” in Yahoo! will result in a lot of noise and little information, while “tennis clubs Brooklyn NY,” for instance, is much more likely to hit the intended target.

Depending on the extent of your geographical market, you may gain great visibility by adding some location-specific information in your keywords mix—a list of keyword phrases identified as the most promising.

Of course your business may not be dependent on location, but regardless of where potential customers surf from, chances are that they will first search for a local answer to their needs.

So if, for instance, you do business in Nevada and California, you want your web site to reflect it. That way people will find you right on top of listings for those keywords we optimize your pages for—hence, local search engine optimization.

Benefits of Local SEO

There are as many regionalized keywords as places on Earth. We can break them down using various scales: city, county, general area, part of state, state, country. Examples: San Mateo, San Mateo County, South Bay, northern California, California, USA.

A simple combination on the city/state model (mentioning your main state and city of operations repeatedly across pages) will accomplish the following:

Whether you decide to switch part of your advertising budget to online marketing does not change consumers' habits. They first want to find a business at a specific location. Only if they can't find one, will they broaden their search in a broader but more competitive way, expanding geographically.

How does SeoSamba help with local SEO?

SeoSamba enables local businesses to systematically and reliably target local keywords and associated markets by building geo-specific rules for web site sections and whole web sites.

In fact, if your business covers a number of local markets, you can use SeoSamba to create a cohesive corporate identity across multiple web sites, manage all of your properties at a glance, including 301 redirection pages, 404 pages, and automatically build cross-links between sites, while marketing to local navigators thanks to our URL and SEO rules engines.

You build your website on SeoSamba and upload them anywhere you'd like, within the region and close to the market served by you site, with the added benefit of maximizing cross-linking value among your website properties. This is truly a dream come true for national companies, franchise marketers, and geographically based SEO-driven affiliates.

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