
Podium Users Make the Switch to MensaHero and save 90% on their renewal



Dear {$lead:firstname},

Are you looking for a smarter way to manage {$lead:organizationname}'s customer conversations and improve your engagement rate? Look no further than MensaHero- the ultimate web chat and texting app designed as an alternative to Podium, created by SeoSamba.


With MensaHero, you can now have all of your customers in your palm on the MensaHero APP, making it easier than ever to manage inquiries, provide timely replies with canned messages and review request links that protect your reputation and increase engagement with your customers. Our platform is customizable and integrates seamlessly with your existing CRM and marketing tools, or rely on our CRM and access all your contacts right from the  MensaHero app.






 But don't just take our word for it - here's what our customers have to say: 


Nick Lopez


Since implementing MensaHero our sales team has seen a noticeable increase in leads that convert from our website. If you are selling anything- you need this app!



Ready to make the switch to MensaHero and see the difference for yourself?


Watch our short movie to see it in action now and get started with a free trial. Our customer support team is always available to answer any questions you may have and to help you get the most out of our platform.


Best regards,


Jason Kaber
Vice President of Business Development

Schedule meeting

Mobile: (206) 391 9854

* Hubspot, FranConnect, Soci, BirdEye, SalesForce and other trademarks mentioned on this communication belong to their respective owners. SeoSamba is not affiliated with any of these companies.

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